
responsive web design
  • JavaScript Developer
  • Web Designer
  • Community Advocate
  • Life-long Learner

I'm a front end web developer based in Manila, Philippines. I design and develop experiences that make people's lives simple. I specialize in JavaScript and React and its ecosystem that I learned mostly self-taught and growing my skills and learning new things every day.

Outside of work, I am probably cycling, bike packing or traveling. Otherwise, probably watching movies or reading books.


screenshot of Agroworks


UI dashboard for an exchange platform for agricultural commodities trading. It was build during a hackathon using React and SASS and contributed to the UX/UI.

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screenshot of IdeaBox Creatives

IdeaBox Creatives

It is a fictional creative landing page template. It is a personal project built with responsive flexbox, CSS, and jQuery. Feel free to use it as a starter for your website.

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Open Source


My first npm package a highly consumable list of bad (profanity) Filipino words. Inspired by badwords-list. If you know a Filipino bad word(s) that is not on the list, please contribute to the list and make the web a better place.

NPM PackageSource

freeCodeCamp 404 Page

My first contribution to freeCodeCamp, I made a freeCodeCamp themed 404 image, and the page displays a random quote. It was implemented under learn.freecodecamp.org sub-domain.

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Jrom Estiller

Jrom Estiller

Web Developer. Bikepacker. Let's learn how to code!